Blachford Inc. Receives Daimler Trucks North America Masters of Quality Award for 2nd Year in a Row
On August 25, 2015, Blachford Incorporated was presented the 2014 Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) Masters of Quality Award. This marks the 2nd time in two years that we have received this prestigious award. The award is presented to Daimler suppliers who have excelled in quality, delivery, technology and cost performance. Only 91 of Daimler’s 1000+ suppliers were recognized this year by Daimler as Masters of Quality. Our company joined a select group of 27 suppliers as repeat recipients of the award from 2013.
Daimler’s Supplier Management Specialist, Keith McGee and Supplier Management Quality Engineer, Mike Vallieres were on hand at Blachford in West Chicago to present the award which was accepted on behalf of the entire plant by Terry Hodges, Blachford’s Quality Assurance Manager and Greg Steuck, Vice President of Manufacturing.
During the presentation, the representatives highlighted Blachford’s overall emphasis on detail and commitment to high-quality production as keys to Daimler’s continued success. They specifically referenced Blachford’s current streak without a lost time accident, which is rapidly approaching 500 days. The company’s precision helps Daimler to ensure on time shipping, quality products and seamless communication to their end customer.
We are honored to receive this award and we are excited to build on our established relationship with Daimler by continuing to provide the highest quality products and service.