Mission & Values


Blachford will design, manufacture and distribute highly-engineered, value-added products to satisfy the diverse markets we serve.

We are dedicated to continual improvement in our efforts to exceed customer expectations.

We strive to contribute to human progress by mastering particular aspects of manufacturing, science and technology.

We aim to help our customers gain market share and competitive advantage by supplying superior products and services through our dedication to:

  • Hiring only highly qualified people and developing core competencies
  • Using enhanced technology and systematically improved equipment to achieve technological expertise
  • Making sound business decisions based on facts
  • Listening carefully to our customers to understand their needs
  • Utilizing superior quality operating systems in all areas of our business
  • Pursuing constructive change and the ability to adapt
  • Supplying our customers with superior products, testing facilities and integrated services
  • Providing custom-designed solutions to our customers, and responding rapidly and effectively to their unique problems
  • Helping our customers achieve their goals faster and more efficiently than our competitors


As individuals:

  • We strive to achieve personal excellence; work as a team; communicate openly, honestly and with integrity; and ensure our products are of excellent quality.
  • We are dedicated to the concept of continual improvement in all that we do.
  • We hold ourselves, and those around us, to standards of ethical and moral performance that demand our best efforts.

As employees:

  • We strive to speak and behave with dignity; treat all people with respect; foster a safe and clean workplace; and be innovative and technologically current.
  • We welcome disagreement in the effort to find the best answer.
  • We understand that we represent corporate values. It is our dedication, imagination and perseverance that determine growth. We will aim high in both expectations and performance.
  • We will respond resourcefully to customer requests and society’s fast-changing needs.

As responsible corporate citizens:

  • We obey all laws and regulations, and frequently exceed applicable legislation with regard to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our fellow employees and neighbors.
  • We strive to eliminate injuries, reduce waste and emissions, and to promote resource conservation at every stage of the life cycle of our products. We report our progress and are responsive to the public.
  • We do this by consistently complying with all state, provincial and federal legislation, and also by following our own Blachford Environmental Policy.